Who was Arno Haft?

Arno Haft was born on March, 5th 1905 in Boehlen/Saxonia.
He was a carpenter.
From 1938 he lived in the Schanzenviertel in Hamburg-Altona, where he died on April, 9th 1997.
Arno Haft was married and father of a son.

The date is unknown, when Arno Haft got the first contact with kites and kiteflying.
First publications from Arno Haft are from 1952.
The first kite instruction was published in September 1952 in the magazin "Mechanikus".

Arno Haft and his friends flew kites together on the Hamburg Heiligengeistfeld.
At their time there was enough space to do this.

It got complicate, when in Hamburg they limited the line lenght to 100m.
First, Arno Haft and his friends still flew their kites very high, but then they came more and more in conflict with the law.
Again and again the police came to the Heiligengeistfeld to point on the law and to spoil the fun.
So Arno gave up kite flying completely and stored his kites in his attic.

Many years later, the story of the Haft-Kites could be continued.



Many thanks to www.drachen-ueber-hamburg.de for the data about Arno Haft.

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